Consumer Product Safety Commission

A brief internet search shows that unambiguously, industry, regulators, and NGOs all agree that furniture tip-over is a priority in the consumer markets sector. However, there is little agreement on the best approach. Over the last year alone, we have

At last week’s ICPHSO Annual Meeting, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission’s Acting Chairman Ann Marie Buerkle broke news to attendees, announcing that CPSC would deem “clothing storage units” that do not meet ASTM F2057-17 as posing a “substantial product hazard.” In concert with Buerkle’s announcement, CPSC’s Deputy Executive Director issued a letter to “Manufacturers, Importers, and Retailers of Clothing Storage Units” that effectively makes this existing voluntary safety standard mandatory.

CPSC Chairman Kaye gave the keynote address at ICPHSO CPSC Day, providing announcements on some CPSC policy changes and focusing on his priorities for the upcoming year. These include:

Reporting of products sold in the US, Canada, and Mexico


CPSC Chairman Elliot Kaye and Health Canada’s Acting Director General, Consumer Product Safety Directorate James Van Loon addressed ICPHSO and the media jointly, to announce that CPSC and Health Canada are united in their commitment to eliminate corded blinds due